Wednesday, 20 February 2008

More great stuff, RSS Feed now live

Hi all,

A work of great beauty and imagination from a Canadian film-maker. But we don't know who you are! For reference, we would like names and email addresses from all contributors so that we can credit you in the final production.

Here's the film.

We'd love to know your thoughts on the film - what does it provoke in you? How do you think it relates to OVERHEATED? Comments please...

1 comment:

son said...

Hi there
So that's my film. My name is Sonya Stefan. i'm 36 yrs. old. I'm a professional contemporary dancer, (dance teacher, choreographer, rehearsal director,,,,basically anything i can do to survive as a dancer), a 1st year film production student at Concordia University in Montreal and a single mother of a 2 year old. I'm working on editing the film right now for april and finding it challenging.
Thanks for the email!
will keep checking the blog for other films. i love the idea.